Four weeks and counting ...

January 7, 2012

OMG, where has the time gone, and how suddenly has it come to this? In four weeks’ time we will be off. I have given in my notice. It is official.

Somehow I think for my husband it has been more real all along than for me. But I’ve been quite happily preoccupied with day-to-day life, especially in the run-up to Christmas. And now I can’t pretend it’s just an idea any longer, even if I wanted to ….

I have even driven the thing – albeit only for 50 yards and a 3-point turn on the access road to Booker’s cash-and-carry on the way back from the local weighbridge. And only after dark, when there was nobody about and the road was lit up on either side with little lights on sticks like an airport runway.

But still, nobody to see me tootling along in second gear, far too far over where the white line in the middle would have been, if it had been a real road.
I was advised against attempting the mile-long trip home. Maybe when it’s daylight, said my husband kindly.

Preparations are now in full swing. While my husband has been crafting a shelf to fit over the side of the drop-down bed to hold my morning tea (how sweet of him is that?) I have been scaring myself silly by reading online advice on how to motorhome safely through Europe without getting a) mugged in any number of  major cities b) broken into at a motorway service station or c) flagged down on a Spanish roadside, and possibly even gassed (I am not joking) by Moroccan marauders pretending there’s something wrong with our tyres, all the better to rob us.

If I believed it all – which I kind of do – I’d never dare leave home. But of course there are all sorts of tips about alarm systems, extra door and window locks, money belts … and of course we’ll be following them up. Though I’ve ruled out the 130-decibel interior alarm, on the grounds that if the poor dog’s on his own in there when it goes off, he’ll be so traumatised by the noise that he’ll refuse to get back inside ever again.

We’ve bought a safe, and the practical half of our relationship has been bent double half the evening trying to bolt it into place in the cupboard space under one of the beds, amid much grumbling and a trip back to the retailer to exchange the original purchase for a smaller version.

He’s also been very happily shopping all week, both online and at our local Lakeland, acquiring wine glasses – what’s wrong with the plastic picnic ones we already possess, I say? - saucepans, bits of rubbery fabric to stop the cutlery rattling around in the drawers as we’re going along, etc etc.

A certain amount of muttering has been created by a fruitless search for melamine plates with rubber rings round the bottom to stop them slipping, like the ones he’s got for his boat, which seem to have gone out of production.
Once you start thinking about kitting out a motorhome it’s amazing what’s involved. Even if, like me, you tend to assume somebody else will sort it out.

I did think about bedding – and can’t even decide whether we should buy new or make do with some of the spare room stuff from home. I favour polycotton because I can’t see myself ironing, while my husband insists he won’t be able to sleep under anything but cotton in the heat of southern Spain.

And then there’s the question of how to secure the house while we’re away. Precautions I’d previously considered and filed away under ‘To do – some day’ suddenly seem highly important. Should we invest in a burglar alarm? Possibly just a dummy one? New bolts for the back door, certainly.

Then there’s the insurance to sort out. As long as we’re away for no longer than 60 days the house and contents are covered by our existing policy.
But there’s insurance for the motorhome, including European breakdown cover. And EHIC cards won’t cut it if anything serious goes wrong with either of us, so we need a travel policy. And the dog needs one, too, so that’s another £28.

And the bills keep mounting at the same time as we’ve decided to forego salaries.

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